quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2016

Picanço-barreteiro (Lanius senator)

Picanço-barreteiro (Lanius senator)

Picanço-barreteiro (Lanius senator)

Parque Natural do Litoral Norte

@Foto Voz do Berço

5 comentários:

David M. Gascoigne, disse...

This bird is definitely not Lanius senator. Looks like a female House Sparrow Passer domesticus to me.

Manuela Marques disse...

Hi David,
With that bill it´s impossible to be a Passer domesticus...

David M. Gascoigne, disse...

Google some images of Passer domesticus.........

Paulo Duarte disse...

We have four species of "Sparrows" here in Portugal: Passer domesticus, Passer montanus, Passer hispaniolensis and Petronia petronia and that is not, definitely, one of them! It´s a young woodchat shrike (Lanius senator). And i don´t need "to google" to know that!

JR disse...

Um bonito juvenil!
Os adultos já chegaram.
Beijinhos e abraços,